Friday, April 6, 2012


Easter 2012 finds me happy---it will be a wonderful weekend. Things in my life seem to be taking a turn for the better, but it will be a long time before I'm fully recovered from last march. Life is funny in that it seems to go around in circles. I think it's a good thing that friendships are preserved even if things will never quite go back to being the same. The hardest thing is always maintaining faith in the fact that the Lord is leading my life, but it's all part of the walk of faith. If I've reached this far then there's no reason to doubt the future wont be what I need. That's the thing about God--H wont necessarily give you what you want but He'll always give you what you need. I take solace in knowing that ultimately what any of us need is Him. And if my life is to be one of companionship with Him--well then in truth that can't be said to be bad. There are a lot of things that could be worse. I look forward to the Easter service and Communion. The weather has been wonderful by the way. As a teacher, we get Spring Break. I think I may use the week off to go to the botanical gardens and just experience all the spring blooms.