Saturday, August 20, 2016

I cant believe it's been two years and a few months since the last time posted on here. There's a lot of housekeeping to do. I still like the pictures i chose and the theme for my blog page. I wish that garden existed in real life. I would visit it in an instant! I will have to overhaul the right panels--we are studying something completely different these days. 

It's funny you set out to blog because you think you can do an online diary--but then you find that you really don't have much to write about on a daily basis. Life is essentially a grind, and very few things happen that merit being written about and immortalized. It's more of personality thing I guess. If you  don't have the type of personality to pick up a pen and write every day, then you most likely wont do it even if it's on a computer.

In many ways I continue to be the same person I was 2 years ago, in other ways i can feel I have changed a lot--which is scary when you think that 2 years is a relatively short period of time. I gve thanks that the lord has been with me all this time, and look uncertainly towards a future that only He knows is in store for me.

I feel grateful for my professional life as I enter my third year of working as a 9th grade history teacher. Hopefully I can make it through this year and the next. I just want to make it to tenure so as not to be so insecure or stressed out regarding the job. The Lord will help.

I'll write more in a few days. I'll probably put one more post before the end of the summer.