Monday, January 17, 2011

Jets beat Pats

Thank God!! Finally we beat this team in a playoff game. Beating Brady and company feels like the weight of the world is off our shoulders. Tom Brady was sacked 6 times by the Jet defense last night and was picked off once. The Jet defense was tenacious and it was largely due to them shutting out the patriots for most of the game (didnt score their 1st td until the end of the 3rd quarter) that the Jets have now advanced to the AFC Championship for the 2nd year in a row. Up next a tough game against Pittsburgh....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jets Win!!

In a nailbiter of a game the Jets beat the Colts, the look on Peyton Manning's face was priceless. The Jet ground attack ran over the Colts in the 2nd half, though Sanchez's passing game was a bit off all game. Kudos to the defense who held strong. Now we get to do it all over again next week against New England.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Go Jets

The Jets have made the playoffs under the gutsy leadership of Rex Ryan and 2nd year quarterback Mark Sanchez. It has been truly a team effort--this is a team that has no real "superstars" in it, although it does have good players. Basically in order to win the whole team has to pull together. They've done that enough times this year to have won 11 times and lost only 5 games. The first round game is this saturday night and it's a tough draw against the Indianapolis Colts. Hopefully the relentless Jets blitzes can rattle Peyton Manning and the Jet ground game can grind out the opposing defense long enough to open up some long range bombs to Holmes and Edwards. If we happen to win then thats when it's going to get really interesting ....a third game with the disliked Patriots, but let me not get ahead of myself....

I've been a Jet fan since I was a small kid, the green and white flows in my blood. Win or lose they had a good season. Go Jets!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Can't believe it's been over a year since I last posted on this thing--i guess i'm just not a good diary keeper either online or in pen and paper format. Time is strange--in many ways I'm a different person than I was 2 years ago--in other ways not much has changed. The one thing that has definitely changed is that I'm older. And so here we are--2011. What the future may hold only the Lord knows, whether it's good or bad or as most likely a mixture of both, the only thing that one can be sure of is that it will pass. Life is about dealing with change. If we adapt we are successful, when we can't adapt we crumble. Without sounding too corny (hopefully), I find in my personal life that faith in God helps me to adapt to life while keeping a hold of certain things that should never change-- namely the core of my being. As we begin this new year my wish for you is that you may be like a wax paper boat released on a stream--able to float on the water, not sink, and always able to navigate the currents of the stream even if we cant always control where the current takes us!!