Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Can't believe it's been over a year since I last posted on this thing--i guess i'm just not a good diary keeper either online or in pen and paper format. Time is strange--in many ways I'm a different person than I was 2 years ago--in other ways not much has changed. The one thing that has definitely changed is that I'm older. And so here we are--2011. What the future may hold only the Lord knows, whether it's good or bad or as most likely a mixture of both, the only thing that one can be sure of is that it will pass. Life is about dealing with change. If we adapt we are successful, when we can't adapt we crumble. Without sounding too corny (hopefully), I find in my personal life that faith in God helps me to adapt to life while keeping a hold of certain things that should never change-- namely the core of my being. As we begin this new year my wish for you is that you may be like a wax paper boat released on a stream--able to float on the water, not sink, and always able to navigate the currents of the stream even if we cant always control where the current takes us!!

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