Sunday, January 22, 2012


It's hard to believe i haven't visited this blog since last March--almost a year. The events of last march will always be with me. Unfortunately they are a part of me now. Lessons learned i think--but life rarely gives you a chance to put what you have learned into practice. Instead it throws entirely new situations at you that have nothing to do with whats gone one before. The learning by trial and error and hard knocks never really ends i think. Well Jan 2012 is here. A new year---what will this year turn out to be? No real way of knowing. Walking in faith often feels uncomfortable. Nothing left to do but to proceed. I have already accepted certain truths about my future. They're still hard truths to swallow, but at least i wont waste anymore time chasing after foolish, insubstantial dreams. The most important thing is learning to be at peace with where you currently are in your life journey.

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