Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Yesterday I went to see Roy, an elderly man with whom I feel a deep connection at church. He is a warm fellow and I enjoy the fact that we are of very different ages yet love to speak with each other. I cant really explain how this happened-- some people you feel an instant friendship vibe with.  I learned over the weekend that he was in the VA Hospital in Manhattan, and I knew that I had to go see him. I thought that it was strange how I had to make two hospital visits in the time span of about a week--but life is like that sometimes. 

When I went to see Roy he was in good spirits and his son Gabe was there with him. Gabe told me that in comparison to how he  had come into the hospital, he was now miles better. He certainly had a healthy rosy color as opposed to yellowish-greenish. Roy's problem was cardiac in nature. He had suffered a slow build up heart attack and checked himself into the hospital when he started feeling ill. It wasn't until he was  in the hospital that the staff informed him he had suffered a cardiac arrest. When I went to see him yesterday he had undergone same day surgery to have 2 stents put in. He was told he will have to modify his diet--low salt, low fat/cholesterol. Less meats more veggies. I cant help but think how much suffering and money America would save itself if we as Americans put as much energy and resources into prevention as we do into treatment once illness sets in. So many of our illnesses are perfectly avoidable and seem to be brought upon ourselves by our bad habits or lifestyle. Well lest this post turn into a rant let me say that Im happy that Roy was able to get his problem seen to in time. We all want Roy to be with us a lot longer. Roy I wish you a speedy recovery and take it easy!!

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